In October, elastic rhinoplasty through a 2 mm incision will be published on CRPUB.ORG.

Elastic Rhinoplasty with Elasticum thread

This animation shows how elastic rhinoplasty is performed.
This new mini-invasive procedure of Elastic Plastic Surgery has been made possible by the two-tipped needle and elastic surgical thread Elasticum (Korpo), both designed by Dr. Sergio Capurro. Elastic rhinoplasty shortens the nose and reduces the nose-tip through an incision of only 2 mm, without tissue dissection and under local anesthesia.
Post-operative pain is negligible.
Elastic lifting of the nose has not only an esthetic objective, but also a functional purpose. Indeed, by correcting the nasolabial angle, this procedure improves the patient's breathing.
Elastic lifting of the nose can improve the appearance of a high percentage of noses that are deemed to be too long. This economical mini-invasive procedure (total cost: €1500) makes "normal" noses look cute. The elastic thread can also be used to correct noses with an acute nasolabial angle that makes breathing difficult.

Elastic Rhinoplasty threads traction

Pre-existing alterations of the bridge of the nose are normally attenuated after elastic suspension and can be corrected by means of a rhinofiller. Once the nose has been shortened and the tip reduced, the inferior portion of the septum can be modified, in the same procedure, if necessary.
Elastic rhinoplasty can be performed on noses that have a mobile tip. Noses with very evident bony defects are not suited to this procedure; in such cases, we carry out traditional rhinoplasty.
Elastic rhinoplasty was designed by the plastic surgeon Sergio Capurro in collaboration with the otorhinolaryngolist and plastic surgeon Mauro Pagano.

Elastic Rhinoplasty result